Want to represent your favourite streamer or content creator? Now you can do just this with a variety of different outfits and hats added to the game!
Courtilly Hat |
Cranchan Hat |
CrispyFX Hat |
DrGluon Hat |
Dytolan Hat |
FreedSiren Hat |
HatFilms Hat |
ItsGNG Hat |
Junkyard129 Hat |
Kulutues Hat |
Lemurs Hat |
MissMonica Hat |
OntarioGardener Hat |
Pedguin Hat |
Skootie Hat |
Stumpt Hat |
TristerTwister Hat |
Wonktootie Hat |
Courtilly Outfit |
Dytolan Outfit |
Elsee Outfit |
Hafu Outfit |
MissMonica Outfit |
OntarioGardener Outfit |
Pedguin Outfit |
Sips Outfit |
Wonktootie Outfit |