The Work Boots is a base appliance
Cost |
60  |
Action(s) |
Text |
Steel caps - usually underrated in a restaurant environment |
Effect |
Heavyweight: Push through things more easily
Muddy: Spreads mess that you walk over |
The work boots are footwear that can push through things easier.
- Interact to wear the appliance. While wearing the footwear, Interact with the appliance to remove the footwear.
- Only one type of footwear can be worn at a time.
- Player move pushes customers, doors, and other players better.
- This does NOT affect the movement reduction from messes.
- While wearing the shoes, the player has a random chance to spread mess or wet spots, creating a duplicate at the spot the player traveled to.
- The duplicated altered floor spot will have all the same priorities as the original source.
- This will not clean messes.
- The hit box of the appliance is 1 x 0.33, meaning with careful placement, the player can pass between the appliances.
- Work Boots are useful at pushing 1 customer, but there is still a noticeable resistance/slow down while pushing.
- Useful in situations when a player has to deal with a few customers, but attempting to push through more than 1 customers at the same time yields very little benefit, in comparison to without wearing work boots.
Patch Log
- Shoes now also spread water, in addition to mess