Hello! I've just uploaded version 0.4. Thanks again for helping test the game; there's a demo coming out soon (in preparation for Steam Next Fest in October). The demo will have some restrictions on the content available, but your playtest version will carry on being the full game in its current state (so you probably want to stick to playing that!). The Plate Testing section of Discord will be restricted just to people who have playtest access, and I'll be making some new channels for everyone else.
Hi everyone,
Lots of news this week, including a new demo, a new stream and a new patch!
Briony and Kirsty (who streamed PlateUp! during the TinyTeams festival) and going to play again on stream today at 2PM, which you should be able to catch here: https://www.twitch.tv/brionykay
It was a lot of fun last time, so be sure to check it out as they explore all the new content that's been added in the last few weeks!
Demo News
For those of you who aren't in the Platetest, you'll be able to join in the fun soon with the new demo. PlateUp! will be participating in Steam Next Fest at the start of October with a playable demo. The demo will be available early, over the next few days, so everyone can get their hands on a little bit of cooking chaos soon
Patch 0.4
This week's patch brings changes mostly to the headquarters and progression. I've reworked the way new dishes are unlocked, so that you now gain levels as you play restaurants, and unlock new dishes as you go up in levels. This should make the unlocks more predictable, so everyone can unlock things in a sensible order. It also means you get some progress no matter how far you get, so everyone will be able to get everything!
Aside from that, I've added some more decoration into the headquarters to spruce the place up a bit, including placeholders for two new rooms: the contracts room and the workshop. These aren't functional yet, but should be unlockable soon!
One much-requested feature that I've added this week is the ability to change the practice kitchen based on what dish you've chosen. Choosing a dish will now rebuild the kitchen to help you practice that dish.