The Extra Life is a garage appliance
Cost |
Action(s) |
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Single Use |
Effect |
Life Saver: Instead of losing, this will be destroyed
The extra life is an item that will reset all patience bars once during a run if any patience bar depletes during that run.
- To use the extra life, the player has to bring this item along with them from the garage in the Headquarters and have it somewhere in their restaurant during the run.
- This appliance will be automatically used the moment a customer's patience fully depletes during a day, restoring all current patience back to full.
- If the customer group that had their patience depleted was in the restaurant, the group will leave the restaurant without paying.
- If the customer group that had their patience depleted was in the queue, the group will remain in the queue.
- Once used, the extra life will be dark with a 'X' over it. This appliance will not do anything in this state.
- If the player has the
Reincarnation Franchise Card or if this appliance was used within the first 3 days of a run, the extra life will be restored and usable again at the start of the next day.
- This appliance can be acquired in a few ways:
- As a possible reward when a restaurant closes if the player went beyond the preparation phase of day 2.
- As a random item when merging crates in the machine at the garage.
Patch Log
- Extra lives now reset all patience bars when they trigger, giving you a full reset of everything, instead of forcing the the one group that had their patience deplete and not changing any other patience.