The Candle Box is a base appliance
Cost |
60  |
Action(s) |
Text |
Everything tastes better by candlelight |
Effect |
Supply: 4
Calming: Place on table to increase patience by 20% (Night only) |
The candle box is a table consumable that increases customer's patience by +20% during night.
- Grab to pick up a item from the appliance. While holding the item, Grab to place it down.
- Can be placed on any type of serving table, but placing on a Coffee Table will have no affect and will prevent customers from sitting there.
- Can be placed on customer's table at any time, but effect will only occur during night.
- Only need to place 1 item on the customer table for all the customers on that table to receive the effect.
- Is not consumed by customers.
- The first candle on a table does not count as an item on the table spot, and will not prevent additional items to be placed on that table or customers from sitting at the table.
- Supplies can restock item amount to max
- Not affected by
Affordable Level 2 effect: "Table consumables have a 50% chance to be reused", since Candles are never consumed.
- The hit box of the appliance is 1 x 0.5, meaning with careful placement of two such dimensioned items, the player can pass between the appliances.