The Hosting Stand is a base appliance
Cost |
60  |
Action(s) |
Text |
Please wait here to be seated |
Effect |
Host Stand: Customers queue here to be seated |
The Hosting Stand is an appliance that allows players to decide where customers should sit.
- When placing the appliance in the Preparation Phase, a customer outline indicates where groups will line up behind the stand
- This outline cannot be obstructed by a wall, object, or chair (even if the chair is inactive)
- If the restaurant has at least one Hosting Stand, customers will wait behind it instead of going directly to a Dining Table.
- Only one group of customers can wait at each stand
- If all Hosting Stands are occupied, customers will
wait at a Coffee Table (if available), or else
Queue outside.
- The
Waiting for Table patience bar will reset as they move from the coffee table to the hosting stand.
- As soon as a group of customers spawns on the map and starts pathing to the Host Stand, a menu appears along with a
Waiting for Table patience bar, that lasts up to 200s / 150s / 136s / 130s (depending on the number of players).
- Grab the menu and place it on any Dining Table to direct customers to that table.
- As long as the menu was placed on a serving table with sufficient seats, the customers will sit at that table even if there are item(s) already on the table, such as dirty dishes or table consumables.
- If the chosen Dining Table has insufficient seats for the group, the menu is not used up and must be moved to an appropriate table.
- Placing a menu on a table that already has items on it will enable the customers to sit at the table when normally they aren't able to. This benefit is similar to Charming's tier 3 perk.
- The benefit of the Hosting Stand over the Coffee Table is that it takes up less space and can accommodate any group size without the need of combining tables. It is possible to fit a lot more Hosting Stands compared to the Coffee Table, which would allow to get more customer groups inside the restaurant and not be in the
- The downside is that it requires a player to manually seat the customer group from the Hosting Stand.
- The Hosting Stand allows the player to dictate where the customer group sits. You could use this to your advantage to make sure certain groups sit at specific locations, for example:
- Always make sure customer groups of 2 sit at a Simple Cloth
- Seat all customers at a Fancy Table to generate more money, even if you have other serving tables
- If the player has Exclusive's tier 3 perk that stops all table patience if there is a queue, players could use the Hosting Stand to force a queue to form even if there are open serving tables.