The Teleporter is an upgraded appliance
Cost |
1250  |
Action(s) |
Text |
Automatically teleports items to a connected teleporter. Requires two. |
Effect |
The teleporter is an appliance that can teleport items on it to a paired teleporter.
- Teleporters operate in pairs, coupled by purchase order
- The player needs at least a pair of teleporters for its effect to be relevant.
- Player can place any item on this appliance that can be carried. Item will be teleported should the remote teleporter be available.
- Can pull/push items through them with normal automation items (such as Conveyor and Grabber).
- Customers on adjacent tables can take/use items on this appliance.
- As teleporters are by far the most expensive appliance in the game (and require two of them to be functional), using a Discount Desk to lower the price is highly advised.
Patch Log