The bar table is an upgraded serving table where players deliver meals to a customer.
- Can only seat 1 customer at a time.
- Does not combine with other tables.
- During the Preparation phase, a chair will be displayed on the side of the bar table with the footrest. Green chair indicate active chairs, while maroon chair indicate deactivated chairs.
- Interact with the chair to enable or deactive the chair.
- If a chair is adjacent to different tables, Grab on the chair will change which table the chair belongs to.
- Player can place any item on this appliance that can be carried.
- If there is an item on this table, customer will not select the table to sit at until the table is cleared of items.
- Player can combine food items on this appliance.
- The hit box of the appliance is 1 x 0.5, meaning with careful placement of two such dimensioned items, the player can pass between the appliances.
Patch Log
- Dining tables have been changed to be cyclic. Upgrading the base item will give a random upgraded version. Upgrading that again will cycle through the other options (in a fixed order).