The safety hob is an upgraded appliance that can
food items placed on it.
- Will
food items until it completes its final "good" cooking phase, before stopping. Food items won't burn if left on the appliance.
- Has a 5% chance of producing a mess around itself while cooking a food item per second.
- Will
faster and with the use of a Gas Override and negate the increased burn speed.
- Will
slower with the use of a Gas Limiter.
- Player can place any item on this appliance that can be carried.
- Player can combine food items on this appliance.
- If placed within the same room and within 2 tile range of a serving table, those customers on that table will have their
Waiting for Food patience duration be reduced by 20%.
- The benefit of not burning food allows the player to pay attention to other needs without the worry of a food becoming burnt.
- The player can pre-cook an ingredients or food on the Saftey Hob and leave it on the Saftey Hob, until it is needed.
- This is a common appliance to use for automation as it does not require manual interaction to use and its ability to not burn any food items will prevent ruining any food due to burning.
Patch Log
- Hob upgrades now rotate - Upgrading a Danger Hob will lead to a Safety Hob and vice versa.