The Leftover Bags is a base appliance
Cost |
60  |
Action(s) |
Text |
You've delighted us long enough |
Effect |
Gentle Push: Place on table to cause customers to finish eating immediately |
Leftover Bags are consumables that immediately ends the customer's current eating phase.
- Start with 4 items per day.
- Grab to pick up a item from the appliance. While holding the item, Grab to place it down.
- Place on customer's table while the customer is eating to to get the customers to finish eating immediately.
- Customers must be in their eating phase for this item to be consumed and take effect.
- Upon taking effect, customers will finish eating the current course. If their current meal leaves behind any leftover items, like dirty dishes, they will still leave behind those leftover items.
- This item can only be used once per customer group (and only effect 1 eating phase), regardless of the amount of courses or repeated meals the customer group may go through. Any additional Leftover Bag placed on the table after the first will NOT be consumed.
- Only need to place 1 item on the customer table for all the customers on that table to receive the effect.
- Placing this item on a serving table outside of a customer's eating phase will do nothing. It will remain at the location, until the customer enters their eating phase and consumes the item.
- This item does not attach to a serving table when placed like other table consumables.
- Supplies can restock item amount to full.
- The hit box of the appliance is 1 x 0.5, meaning with careful placement of two such dimensioned items, the player can pass between the appliances.
- Customers sitting at a Bar Table are still able to be affected by this item.
- NOT affected by
Affordable Level 2 effect: "Table consumables have a 50% chance to be reused"
- If the player has the Card Picky Eater, this item can use to prevent dirty dishes with leftover food from appearing, as any customer given a Leftover bag will only ever leave what is directly tied to the meal they were eating.
- The mess customers make while eating is directly proportionate to the their eating phase duration, so by reducing their eating phase duration, the player will greatly reduce the amount and/or prevent any messes from forming.
- By ending the Eating phase immediately, the player can also prevent customers from requesting Extra Items as these request will only occur during the eating phase.
Patch Log